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Know Your Benefits: 评估人工智能作为自我诊断工具的可行性


Artificial intelligence (AI) has created revolutionary advances across many industries. 现在, it’s paving its way as a tool to self-diagnose medical conditions or get answers to health-related questions. 自我诊断是一种越来越普遍的做法, as people’s primary access point for health care information has shifted from professionals to the internet. Especially when you’re having trouble getting an appointment, 互联网已经证明了自己是一个快速的, 易于获取和免费的信息来源. Given the internet’s popularity in answering some of your most urgent health-related questions, 你可能想知道人工智能能帮上什么忙. Keep in mind that while AI is new and exciting, it’s not a replacement for professional health care.

This article explores the use of generative AI for medical self-diagnosis and its benefits, 局限性和可行性.


Generative AI is a type of technology that produces text, images, audio or other content. 随着人工智能聊天机器人的引入, more people may be turning to them to answer their health-related questions. Some common tools used for this purpose include OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Med-PaLM. These types of large language model (LLM) chatbots can predict the next word in a sequence to answer questions in a human-like style. Amid a shortage of health care workers, bots could help answer your questions. Initial tests by researchers so far suggest these AI programs are more accurate than a standard Google search.


AI tools can potentially reduce medical costs for patients and health care providers. Here are some more potential benefits of using generative AI for medical self-diagnosis:

  • 增加了可访问性
  • 更快的进行
  • 促进卫生知识普及
  • 保留匿名

All of these factors contribute to an enhanced patient experience and improved engagement. Chatbots are also considered easier to use than online symptom checkers.


而生成式人工智能有很大的潜力, it’s important to understand that there are also some limitations and pitfalls, 包括以下内容:

  • 虚假信息
  • 对信息的误解
  • 道德问题(e).g.、资料私隐及偏见)
  • 忽视医疗建议的风险

由于这些风险, some LLM chatbots include disclaimers that they shouldn’t be used to diagnose serious conditions, provide instructions for curing conditions or manage life-threatening issues.


While generative AI tools may help you quickly answer health-related questions and self-diagnosis conditions, 完全依赖他们可能是不安全的. 类似于它们在其他应用中的使用, AI tools are meant to be complimentary and an additional source of information. They are great sources for general information and help simplify it so you can be an educated health care consumer.

Generative AI is not a replacement for medical advice from a professional, but it can be used to supplement professional medical advice. If you plan to use AI to answer your nonurgent health-related questions, 考虑以下最佳实践:

·         Be aware of the potential ethical concerns of AI-driven health care, such as data privacy.

·         Verify the AI information with trusted medical sources.

·         Consult a health care professional for conclusive diagnoses and treatment plans.


根据商业咨询公司埃森哲的数据, health care AI applications could save up to $150 billion annually for the U.S. 到2026年,医疗保健经济. 人工智能提供了许多潜在的好处, but it’s important to recognize the limitations and concerns associated with medical self-diagnosis. Health care providers will likely strive to harness AI’s power instead of solely relying on it. By layering AI into health care systems and making them user-friendly, 提供者可以获得洞察,以提供更好的护理.

人工智能还处于发展的早期阶段. 然而, 随着它的发展, the future of medical self-diagnosis will likely involve even greater collaboration between AI developers and health care providers.


在今天的数字世界, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when researching health-related information. Obtaining accurate health advice and information comes down to using all available sources but understanding their limitations. LLM chatbots could take provider-AI collaboration and diagnosis to the next level, 但这还有待观察.

While generative AI is not meant to replace professional health care, it can be a good supplementary source and help you increase your health literacy and get answers quicker. 联系 your doctor for the most accurate and personalized health care information and guidance.

This Know Your Benefits article is provided by 德州 Medical Group and is to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of an insurance professional. ©2023 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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